Monday, 18 April 2011

6b. Pilot reflections Survey, Interview, Observation.

For my inquiry I am looking into physically integrated dance development. To enhance my research around this inquiry I have conducted a pilot survey interview and observation. Throughout these different tools I aim to get an insight into thoughts and ways to develop my inquiry and integrated dance.

Pilot Survey
I composed a survey using the website , this web tool was brilliant and easy and enabled me to gather all my results and evaluate without any trouble.  Thank you for everyone who took part and aided me in gathering my results.  

Once I had Composed my survey I utilised the web 2 skills that I had learnt from the previous module WBS3002 by posting the http: link onto the networking tool Facebook. This allowed me not only to target professionals in the arts profession but also to a wider range of people. I also posted the link onto my SIG, once the link was published the number of results doubled. I would highly recommend using all Web 2 resources that are available to you to achieve maximum number of results.
The relation to the survey (to the right), I was worried that people would be somewhat “daunted” by the lay out and answers to the questions, also the questions them self’s. I tried to keep the survey questions sort and pacific but not losing any detail about the inquiry.  From feedback I have received I need to be aware of the vocabulary used as it can either aid or hinder a question or an answer.  From this experience I have also learnt that multiple choice questions are most effective and if a more detailed answer is required try to keep it sort and inviting.
This pilot survey has been a crucial source of research for my inquiry. it has given me ideas and opened my eyes into areas that I can research and inquire further. For example It showed that in London and Plymouth local Physically integrated dance projects were taking place although in Scotland and the midlands there was no evidence of such projects taking place. This has been very interesting as it has given me an insight into been developing integrated projects in the community.
For my inquiry into physically integrated dance development I am defiantly going to compose another survey to aid my research further. Thank you again for everyone who took part!

Pilot Interview
I was extremely lucky to be able to arrange an interview with a professional friend who has a lot of knowledge in Dance and the profession (wishes to remain anonymous). I was extremely anxious about conducting the interview and how to “go about it”. I sought advice from a colleague and she suggested I keep to interview casual and relaxed as people feel more inclined to discuss and go into detail about a topic if they are in a confortable environment. This is exactly what I did and the response I got was so in-depth and thought poking
I personally found it an uplifting experience talking to a professional who had an insight into physically integrated dance. As we both had the same approach and opinion on the inquiry it was difficult to keep it Professional and relaxed at the same time. Although during the interview we maintain the right balance.
I feel that due to the relaxed environment I was able to get honest and deep answers for example:
What are your initial thoughts on Physically integrated dance?
“I think it’s a great way for everyone of all ability’s and capability’s to come together and interact with one another. It’s a great way for everyone to feel equal. I feel it also a good way to give those with a disability a sense of normality and can be very inspiring to others. It opens up so many doors within the dance world of what can be achieved. Nothings impossible”.
        In my Development of my inquiry I aim to conduct more interviews with a wider range of professionals from ones with a lot of experience in this field and with other who have had no connection with physically integrated dance. For interviews I would strongly recommend a relaxed but professional environment as I feel it has established the most honest and reflective replies.

Pilot Observation
A few months ago I was lucky enough to observe a physically integrated dance workshop. With Independance Dance community company lead by Hazel Mayamba-Kasongo. It was an inspiring and uplifting experience. Throughout the workshop they created a dance piece based on breaking free. It was performed by 12 “non able dancer” with a mix of mental and physical impediments and 7 able dancers. During a short break in the workshop I asked one dancer who has Down syndrome if she was enjoying the workshop she replied with “what do you think I love it ! I wish there was one by my house.” This has inspired my inquiry and made me more determined to try and promote and develop  physical integrated dance in local communities.

Thank you To everyone who has made these pilot Tools  possible ! 

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