Friday, 21 October 2011

Understanding the task in Hand (Professional inquiry)

Critical Reflection.

Today I was able to really get grips on what it is I have to do to complete my inquiry and critical review. This was purely due to Skype conversation with my personal adviser Paula Nottingham. We discussed the process that needed to take place. Also the barriers my inquiry has come across concerning my planned workshop, we discussed what I could learn form from them and how they could actually benefit my inquiry.  I found this Slide from Paula’s presentation for the 2nd campus sessions really helpful in planning my critical review (shown to the right)
Today I have managed to put all the elements of my inquiry into a critical reflection plan, using the headings from this slide. Now I have completed this rough plan it has clearly shown me what needs to be done and how to write my refection with a flowing structure.
I really took Paula Nottingham’s Advice into reflecting upon as many pieces of literature as possible, as these help you gain as much knowledge in any surrounding area and can be used for comparing your inquiry data. I am currently thinking outside the box and going to look at the theories surrounding problem solving, to see if anything I read could help the problems in my inquiry.

Professional  Artefact  
Before today I was really unsure as to what a professional Artefact actually was. I have come up with my own loose definition that has really helped me to understand what it is and how it should be displayed.
“A Professional Artefact is a way to display your inquiry to other professionals without them having to read your inquiry critical review. It is a way to share your and display your inquiry out of an essay form.”

I felt I should blog my own thoughts on the artefact as it has helped me to picture the finished result.

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