Prior to looking through this course reader I didn’t really have a professional opinion on morals and ethics. This reader has made me look into my own personal day to day life and realise ethics is constantly surrounding us everywhere we go. The reader also displayed to me that there are two types of ethics Personal and professional, these two often coincide with each other as many decisions and responsibilities in the workplace use both ethics.
Was observing her a vulture landed near the girl? Carter waited for nearly 20 minutes for the bird to spread its wings in order for a good photograph, but it never did. After taking some photos anyway, he did not help the girl reach the feed
Station and instead left her to die.” This Case study made it apparent to me that many people have different ethics which I may or may not agree personally with. It has also opened my eyes to the devastating effects of professional ethics.
Sounding the professional Dance industry there has been a lot of controversy over equality ethics over the years. With help such as the quality act discrimination against homosexuality and sex is getting more scares and it is an essential part of any code of conduct (Task 5b). Throughout my professional practice of Dance teaching I have to take all these ethic views with a high level of professionalism and try not to allow my own personal ethics get in the way when not appropriate. From researching ethics it has made me become a lot more aware of the whole topic.
During reading the course reader on ethics one case study stood out to me as it was surrounding my professional practice. The case study was called “The Dance Class” Alicia is a student on the BA Professional Practice course in Middlesex and she is
Completing her last project – an inquiry into how warm ups are used during dance
Classes. To further her research she went into 5 schools to observe these dance classes. She completed an interview with Flint this is what she found “Flint did no warm up at all and belittled one dancer in particular. Alicia could see that this dancer was upset but she made no complaint. Alicia also noticed that the other people in the class ignored his bullying
of this particular person. She interviewed Flint at the end of the class and asked if
he had been aware of how he had singled out this one person for ill treatment. Flint
replied, “I am only preparing her for the real world – if she can’t survive a bit of
Criticism in my class she is not going to last too long in a dance company”.
I personally find this shocking as a dance teacher it should be your personal and professional ethic to ensure all dancers are warm and you create a positive learning environment. Through critically reflating upon this case study it has opened my eyes into the ethics of other dance teachers and has made me more aware to look into the ethics of colleagues in my work place.
This reader has been extremely beneficial to me and the development of my inquiry as there are a lot of ethics that surround integrated dance that I have touch upon in this blog. I am hoping to investigate the ethics sounding my inquiry.
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