Friday, 25 March 2011

4c. Award Title.

Upon the completion of critically reflecting my questions and research on my field of inquiry, it has become apparent to me that I was focusing on too broad of a topic, and needed to demote all my attention to one area of integrated dance. Integrated dance has always been a great passion of mine. Although I have strong ethical views towards the background of integrated dance I want to research further  into the development and promotion of it in local projects and communities. Therefore I have decided to base my award title on the development of this inquiry. I feel this award title would be appropriate BA (Hons) Professional Practice (Integrated Dance development). I have also decided to use this as my award title and main focus of inquiry due to my hope to start and progression of a integrated dance class at my workplace. I feel with the development of this class it with compliment my field of research and aid me in progressing my inquiry.
If you have any thought on my Award title such as phrasing or word use please comment it would be much appreciated.


  1. Define integrated dance in your description for your rationale - it is your title and works as a title but it is just one of those things about professional terminology - your definition might be different then others - you probably have defined it on the blog - but it could go within this blog as well. For example - uses the term physically integrated dance uses integrated

    It is just a way of referring to a professional field when explaining a formal concept

  2. Thank you Paula I agree that I needed to define “Integrated dance”. After looking at the rescores you provided I feel that the Physically Integrated dance would be more appropriate.
    I have also done a lot of research also around Stop Gap Dance Company. So thank you again for providing me with more research resources.
