Monday, 2 May 2011

Critical Reflection and Summary: Digital Portfolio (Module WBS3835)

Critical Reflection and Summary: Digital Portfolio (Module WBS3835)
Being faced with Module WBS3835 has enabled me not only to develop my professional inquiry, but myself as a professional practitioner. As the module was structured into three main sections it has been interesting and simple to track my progression within my line of inquiry and throughout the module.
The first part of module WBS3835 focused on developing our lines of inquiry that we had established in the previous module. I have chosen to focus my inquiry on physically integrated dance. To enhance my inquiry I was asked to develop questions to highlight the main areas of the line of inquiry. Firstly I chose to focus my questions on two main areas surrounding my inquiry. These were Development, and the thoughts/stigma surrounding integrated dance I chose to use to different areas as I thought it would be beneficial to see which of the two areas, would be most beneficial topic to focus my inquiry on. I then chose to create the specialist interest group (SIG). . The feedback received from the SIG was a brilliant way to establish new sources of research and gain some knowledge into the thoughts surrounding physically integrated dance
. To develop my inquiry I chose to take my questions into my professional network, where I conducted two interviews with colleagues using my developing questions From conducting these interviews it gave me a new path for my inquiry as I was able to establish a focus on developing integrated dance in my local community through the work place. In conclusion to this section of the module we were asked to create an award title . At this point it was at a developing stage although a comment received from Paula Nottingham brought to my attention that it was crucial that the vocabulary was appropriate. Paula suggested that to ahear to the ethical considerations I should use the term “physically integrated dance” .  This then lead me perfectly into the next section of the module ethics.
I found ethical considerations a very interesting part of the module as I knew it was going to be a large element in my inquiry. I started to progress my knowledge in ethics by researching codes of conduct in dance From completing this task, I established this was an area that could be critical throughout my professional inquiry within physically integrated development. I aim to utilise the knowledge I have gained surrounding professional ethics to enhance my inquiry.  I feel from studying ethics It has given me the knowledge to separate my personal feelings and actions needed in my professional practice.
Throughout the final set of tasks in the module I examined the different inquiry tools I can utilise to carry out my professional inquiry. Here I established different ways in which knowledge can be collected, analysed and interpreted to aid my line of inquiry. The first professional tool I used to develop my inquiry was a survey  I learnt how to conduct this using “survey monkey”, a new web 2 tool. This was an ideal way to get professional practitioners to answer questions surrounding my inquiry; it was also a good way to gain knowledge in analysing the data gathered. To enhance my developing inquiry I conducted a pilot interview and observation
I found these very beneficial tools on collecting information about my line of inquiry. From conducting these pilot studies it has enabled me to feel more confident and established about utilising these tools in my inquiry.
During this last section of the module I have also learnt how to review literature
. I have also established a skill for not only reflecting upon the literature but being able to utilise the information into my professional inquiry. I have also been introduced to a beneficial Web 2 tool “delicious Site . I feel this is going to be a great aid whilst conducting my inquiry.
To complete my critical refection of Module WBS3835 I state that it has been an influential process into the completion of not only my professional inquiry plan but my overall inquiry I am going to complete throughout the next module. I also aim to utilise all the tools and resources provided in the module to enhance my inquiry to its full potential. Throughout this module I have established a great amount of knowledge. I have also been able to reflect upon on my own learning. Throughout module WBS3835 I have established tools and knowledge that I feel have enabled me enhance all areas my professional practice. I also feel it have enabled me to grow and develop as a professional practioner.

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